Office or Spring File on Ajya Mistry's File Master Machine
File Master Machine
File Master Machine
" Ajya Mistry And Sons " File Master Machine is used for making Office and Spring Files with set of die for creasing, Round corner and Holes.
Creasing of Office Files :
Ajya has adjustable creasing die which can be use for making creasing line for folding of office or spring file. This die is adjustable and can be used for making creasing of Lever / Box Files . Creasing width and depth can be adjusted.
Office or spring files has six or seven creases which can be made with the Step gauge. A step gauge is a fixed gauge with multiple distances set on it.
Round Corner Cutting
Round Corner Cutting is done to keep corners of file board in good condition. It also gives good look to File. It is done by Round corner cutting die by fitting it on File Master Machine.
Clip Fitting Hole Punching
The Clip which holds the papers needs to be fit with Eyelets on files. And for this we need to make holes into the files which holds the clips. This is done Hole Punching die for office and spring file. It consists of Punches of sizes of eyelets at desired location.
Clip Fitting
Clips are fitted into the files by means of eyelets. Eyelets first inserted into to the holes punched with die . And then clip is put into the eyelet and then with Eyelet fixing toll it is fitted manually or by Machine.
Office files or Spring Files are most widely used stationery item used by all offices, schools, colleges etc. Investment in office and spring file is very low and can be easily made . Any person can start New business with Minimum possible investment. Machines are available in manual foot operated or Motor operated models.
Ajya MIstry and sons provides all kind of help in starting new File making business. Once a person comes to us we help them to chose right machine to suit his/ her budget and also provide all information regarding all raw material required for Office or Spring File Manufacturing.
For more information you can visit Ajya Mistry web site or email us at inquiry